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Jackie St. Louis
Apr 6, 2024
A Definition of 'Centering Race' that Truly Centers Race
Defining the term 'Centering Race' is a complex task, with no single conclusion that satisfies the critical analysis the term demands....
Jackie St. Louis
Sep 8, 2023
The Multifaceted Challenge of Marrying DEI with Race: The Need for a Holistic Approach
As a seasoned practitioner in public service leadership, and having worked extensively in the space of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion...
Jackie St. Louis
Aug 21, 2023
The Illusion of Work-Life Balance: Dueling Polarities in Capitalism
Throughout time and culture, life has been a dance of opposing forces. In Yoruba spirituality, the Orishas represent powerful but...
Jackie St. Louis
Aug 17, 2023
The Veiled Rhetoric of Unity: Unmasking the Disingenuity of 'They Are Trying to Divide Us'
The phrase "they are trying to divide us" has become a staple in political rhetoric, particularly from conservative corners, whenever...
Jackie St. Louis
Aug 11, 2023
Beyond the Binary: Unraveling America's Complex Legacy of Power and Healing
In the tapestry of American history, woven with threads of hope, struggle, and freedom, there exists a stark contrast between the first...
Jackie St. Louis
Aug 2, 2023
Success in the Shadows: The Hidden Struggles of “Successful” Black Males
As a black male therapist working with high-achieving "successful" black men, I have had the profound experience of delving into the...
Jackie St Louis
Jun 13, 2020
Racism: A Couples Counseling Story
I have always been curious about human behavior. Even as a child, I sought to understand the why behind the what. It is maybe this curiosity
Jackie St Louis
Jun 12, 2020
The End of Ourselves
At some point in our lives, we all come face to face with our own limits. These moments, often born out of crises or significant...
Jackie St Louis
Jun 8, 2020
Middle Finger Living: A Woman's Guide To Freedom
For the record, I am not a woman and never have been. What I am, is someone who adores, respects, supports, and advocates on the behalf of w
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Jackie St Louis
Jun 8, 2020
Jesus On The Cross: Sacrificing Ourselves For the Sins of Others
New testament scripture of Judeo-Christianity centers around the gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God, whom we are told made the ultimate
Jackie St Louis
May 24, 2020
The Price of Living Your Values: Costly But Fair
Parents have the unique privilege that is preparing children for adulthood, and as part of this process, value systems are one of the many s
Jackie St Louis
May 24, 2020
A Brief "Healthy Self" Evaluation
We function at varying levels of balance between these selves at any given time. Distress in any one area is often an indication of overall
Jackie St Louis
Apr 20, 2020
The Story of the Elephant: Making peace with our past
Elephants are truly majestic creatures. They are the largest mammals to walk the earth, they are herbivorous, and can display a wide range o
Jackie St Louis
Mar 22, 2020
Quarantine and Isolation: Just What The Doctor Ordered, But With A Caveat
January 2020 marked the beginning of an event that would forever change the lives of all Americans and the world. Even prior to the first c
Jackie St Louis
Mar 22, 2020
10 Steps to Start Loving Yourself The Way You Deserve to be Loved
Once you have discovered this love for yourself, it will serve as your compass; helping to direct you toward the love which you allow yourse
Jackie St Louis
Mar 22, 2020
How Life Conspires To Help Us Be The Best Version Of Ourselves
If it is the triumphs which are our pursuit and what drives us, then life provides us with many avenues by which we can attain them. Nonethe
motivational speaker
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